Our Factory


Qootof Altamr offers a large range of packaging types according the customer's needs.

We always ensure that all required information for exportation is presented in English on the packing boxes:

  • Nutrition Facts
  • Net Weight
  • Barcode
  • Types of Dates
  • Image about the date
  • Information of the customer
  • Information about the dates (Natural, description, etc.)
  • Information of the factory

We provide the following packaging services for our customers:

  • Specific labels and stickers for each customer could be printed attached to the boxes.
  • Labels and stickers can be prepared in any language with different designs and colors.
  • Designs of the stickers and labels are prepared by us.
  • Best presentation (Dates are arranged and stacked) of the dates in the boxes.
  • The weight of the dates in the boxes vary to meet the customer needs.


Type of box for each unit Master Box Sample
400 G - 500 G

Square Plastic Box:

It is very suitable for all types of dates. It is rarely opened and broken during the shipping.

The master box contains 18 Units
500 G - 600 G

Round Plastic Box:

This type of box is very famous with the Sukkari dry dates.

The master box contains 24 Units
400 – 500 G

Square Foam plate:

The foam plate is cheaper in packing the dates and it can be used for all types of dates

The master box contains 18 Units
800G – 1 KG

Square Plastic Box:

It is very suitable for all types of dates. It is rarely opened and broken during the shipping.

The master box contains 12 Units
800G - 1 KG

Plastic Bag:

The bag has a window where the customer can see the dates. This bag is  very useful for dry dates and looks very nice in the shelf.

The master box contains 12 Units
800 G – 1 KG

Square Carton Box:

This carton box has a cover with window and bottom. The box is wrapped by luminated plastic shrink. It can be used for all types of dates.

The master box contains 12 Units
800G – 1 KG

Square Foam plate:

The foam plate is cheaper in packing the dates and it can be used for all types of dates

The master box contains 12 Units
900 G - 1 KG Round Plastic Plate:
The quality of all dates in this plate can be seen by the customers. It is useful for dry dates. The plate is wrapped by plastic shrink.
The master box contains 10 Units
600G -700 G

Gift Mixte Dates Box:

This box contains premium mixte dates. The customers like to buy this box to give it as a gift.

The master box contains 12 Units
~ 3 KG

Carton Box (Top and Bottom):

This box is used for three KG of dates. The inner box is wrapped by plastic shrink.

The master box contains 4 Units
~ 3 KG

Special Carton Box for Sukkari (Dry and Soft):

This special box (top and bottom) is used specially for Sukkari dates. The inner box is wrapped by plastic shrink.

The master box contains 4 Units
5 KG

Carton Box (Top and Bottom):

This box is used for five KG of dates. Aslo, there is a cross partition where the box  could be used to store four different types of dates.

There is no master box for this type of box
500G - 1 KG

Dates in Vacum Bag:

We offer different types of dates (Sukkari, Khalas, etc.) in vaccum bag. 

The master box contains 18 units (500G) or 8 Units (1 KG)
7 Pcs of Ajwa X 12

A small box contains 7 Pcs of AJWA. Another box contains 12 small boxes. The total number of AJWA Pcs is 84.

The master box contains 8 Boxes (7 Pcs X 12)
10 KG - 20 KG

Carton Box:

We also offer boxes that contain 10 to 20 KG of dates.

No master box

Samples of Packaging

Qootof Altamr packaging photos

About Qootof Altamr

Qootof Altamr is a company that is specialized in providing the most exquisite dates found in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia especially in the region of Al Madinah Al Munawwarah which is known for its high quality dates.

The company is highly experienced in the date field and is the main supplier without having any third party involved.

Get In Touch

Address: 8825 Unit 5, Madinah Industrial Zone, P. O. Box 4475, Madinah Al Munawara – K.S.A.

Cell 1: +966 542319029
Cell 2: +966 544712200  
Cell 3: +966 544757526

Email: info@Qootof.com

Website: www.Qootof.com

© 2019 َQootof ِAltamer Factory. All Rights Reserved.
