Ajwa Dates


Ajwa Dates

The most common type of dates around the world, and the most produced in Al Madinah Al Munawwarah. Ajwa contains elements that improve the immune system and is rich in vitamin B, calcium, magnesium, zinc and diffetent vitamins and starches. Ajwa dates also protect against diseases by the will of Allah, as our prophet (pbuh) mentiond that who ever eats seven dates every morning will not be effected by poison or magic on the day he eats it. Ajwa is distinguished by its small size, spherical shape and its black color. It comes in different types, so its price varries depending on the quality and the size of the fruit. The most common type of Ajwa is called (Aalia Ajwa) which is produced in an area called Al Aaliya that is well known for its date farms, its suitable environment and the quality of its products.



About Qootof Altamr

Qootof Altamr is a company that is specialized in providing the most exquisite dates found in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia especially in the region of Al Madinah Al Munawwarah which is known for its high quality dates.

The company is highly experienced in the date field and is the main supplier without having any third party involved.

Get In Touch

Address: 8825 Unit 5, Madinah Industrial Zone, P. O. Box 4475, Madinah Al Munawara – K.S.A.

Cell 1: +966 542319029
Cell 2: +966 544712200  
Cell 3: +966 544757526

Email: info@Qootof.com

Website: www.Qootof.com

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